2* Amkar v Terek Grozni 1 2.40
(2* Amkar 2.40 [+140])
L' Arbitro sarà Sergey Ivanov, che nelle ultime 5 partite arbitrate ha fatto registrare 3 vittorie interne. L'Amkar ha sempre vinto con Ivanov ad arbitrare. Ieri era il compleanno del p
(2* Amkar 2.40 [+140])
L' Arbitro sarà Sergey Ivanov, che nelle ultime 5 partite arbitrate ha fatto registrare 3 vittorie interne. L'Amkar ha sempre vinto con Ivanov ad arbitrare. Ieri era il compleanno del p
residente, quindi sicuramente la squadra vorrà fargli un bel regalo! :-)
The referee will be Sergey Ivanov, who in the last 5 matches he've whistle for, registered 3 home wins. Amkar have always wins when Ivanov whstle. Yesterday was also the birthday of the Club chairman so maybe the players would like to make a huge gift to him! :-)
The referee will be Sergey Ivanov, who in the last 5 matches he've whistle for, registered 3 home wins. Amkar have always wins when Ivanov whstle. Yesterday was also the birthday of the Club chairman so maybe the players would like to make a huge gift to him! :-)
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